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                                      Cruiser Story 

Mother & Son Both achieved Best in Specialty 

Both achieve #3 Havanese In Canada as Puppies/Juveniles 

Cruiser achieved #1 In Canada & Riley has taken some time off.

How it came to be, 

I took a big chance on a small dog,

Me owning a small dog,Never.

In the end of 2006 I received this email with a picture attached, Of the most amazing Havanese puppy I have ever seen, Of course I am admiring the picture before I read the email, the email said this puppy is way to big, she is double the size of any of my other puppies . I am going to place her in a pet home, she will be spay, My reaction, are you kidding me, this dog is way to good to be placed in a pet home, Send her here I will grow her out for you and if by chance she does not turn out, then she will be placed, as a well trained dog. 

I took a chance on this little party colored Havanese, No one else was willing to take, Every one who seen her in person said I was crazy this puppy is huge, She will go over size by 6 months old and will be a pet for some one, She is a big waste of my time, money, and effort,

She came to me in Dec and I named her Cruise Control- Cruiser for short!

By 4 months old this puppy stopped growing and stayed in the Havanese standard, and I do mean right in the middle of Standard, 

at 6 months old this puppy hit the ring in a big way winning Breeds over specials from the puppy class finishing her championship in days, winning 3 Best Puppy in Shows group placements 1-2-3-4 and continued on to be # 8 Havanese as a puppy , the following year cruiser continued to win and placed # 3 Havanese, the next year was her big year but Cruisers human dad got very sick , now she had 2 jobs top show dog and self trained assistance dog to her Human dad, she kept him calm and alerted me during the night if her dad need help, Cruiser put her best paw forward and became #1 Havanese in Canada, Then it was time for cruiser to retire from the show ring and be bred,

Cruiser first Breeding was to my favorite male Tux,I choose him even though it was a very close breeding, and was offered other dogs, but no I wanted Tux, 

Some times you just have to take the chance!!!

So Cruiser was bred, 

Cruiser whelped here at home with me, Produce 3 boys and 1 Girl,

                                Riley's story Begins


The Start of Riley's Story, from the beginning ,No I am not keeping a puppy they will all be placed, no I not keeping a puppy, well that did not last long by 4 weeks man this is such a nice puppy, No I am not keeping a puppy, 6 weeks old ok we only need 3 homes for puppies he is going to stay here with me, I could not even dream of sending this puppy any where now, I am way to attached, Now this puppy needs a name, can't just keep calling him puppy puppy, So he became The Life Of Riley,  Riley for Short,

Riley proved to love the show ring more than his mother Cruiser

Riley became 6 months old in November was top Havanese puppy in 2 show weekends as that was all that was left of the 2011 show year, Riley following in his Moms paw prints finishing his Championship in days as a puppy, winning Breed over specials and  2 Best Puppy in Shows and also placing in the groups as a puppy, along with 13 Best Puppy in Groups, Riley showed till he was 1 year old and was #3 Havanese in Canada, he took the summer shows off and remained #3 Havanese in Canada to date for 2012 

Riley had amazing show weekend at the 2012 Tradex show, 

Winning Award of Merit at The Regional Specialty            

Winning the National Specialty the following Day       

Winning the Breed on Saturday and placing group 4th,             

BBE In Breed


Now that is a story of taking a chance,

That chance gave me Cruiser Top Havanese in Canada and that chance gave me Riley a National Specialty Winner Award of Merit winner

Not bad for a dog who was a pet( Cruiser) and for a dog (Riley) who should not exist as his mom was a pet to be spay

! Some times you just have to take the chance !


It is with sad hearts to say Cruiser and her siblings were removed from the breeding program due to health Issues By her Breeder  MistyTrails Cruise Control-Cruiser


Riley  Cruiser son was removed from breeding by me due to Grand Mal Seizures with Video proof of the seizures -MistyTrails Life Of Riley



                          Oct 21 -2006


#1 Havanese in Canada 2009

#13 Toy Dog 2009

#84 all Breeds 2009

#3 Havanese in Canada 2008

Owner Handled



Riley Wins the National Specialty

Award of Merit Regional Specialty

Breeder Owner Handled

Havanese Puppies, Havanese Breeders, Havanese Puppies for Sale,Havanese Puppies for sale BC,

Havanese Puppies, Havanese Breeders, Havanese Puppies for Sale,Havanese Puppies for sale BC,

Havanese Puppies, Havanese Breeders, Havanese Puppies for Sale,Havanese Puppies for sale BC,

Havanese Puppies, Havanese Breeders, Havanese Puppies for Sale,Havanese Puppies for sale BC,

Havanese Puppies, Havanese Breeders, Havanese Puppies for Sale,Havanese Puppies for saleBC, 

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